Wednesday, October 22, 2008

AFI Film #90: Swing Time

This film is a great, even iconic, look at the mystique that is Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Plus, for my low-brow ass, the comedic moments remind me of the things I loved out of old episodes of the Three Stooges and Our Gang.

Overall, the film absolutely oozes style. There's little one can say about Astaire's presence on the stage and screen beyond how remarkable he is in a role such as this. Plus, we get to hear him sing "The Way You Look Tonight". So, yeah. There is a reason when people in popular media refer back to the "classic style icons" of an earlier era like this and this movie exhibits exactly why.

In the film itself, each scene seamlessly flows together even though the editing techniques of the time leave something to be desired with what we're used to these days. Aside from that minor gripe, the film is put together in such a way that the natural ebb and flow seems readily apparent yet hardly noticeable as any good film should do, especially with regard to proper pacing.

Now, honestly, I hedged a lot on finally sitting down to watch this movie but again I found myself borderline enthralled and utterly charmed. I think watching something like this and enjoying it this much reveals to me just how much of an utter romantic I tend to be. C'est la vie.

4.5 dances m'dear out of 5

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